Dans un livre de ce type, il est habituel d'avoir une table ASCII en annexe, sauf que dans ce livre il n'y en a pas. À la place, voici un petit script shell qui génère une table ASCII complète et l'écrit dans le fichier ASCII.txt.
Exemple S.1. Un script qui génère une table ASCII
#!/bin/bash # ascii.sh # ver. 0.2, reldate 26 Aug 2008 # Patched by ABS Guide author. # Original script by Sebastian Arming. # Used with permission (thanks!). exec >ASCII.txt # Save stdout to file, #+ as in the example scripts #+ reassign-stdout.sh and upperconv.sh. MAXNUM=256 COLUMNS=5 OCT=8 OCTSQU=64 LITTLESPACE=-3 BIGSPACE=-5 i=1 # Decimal counter o=1 # Octal counter while [ "$i" -lt "$MAXNUM" ]; do # We don't have to count past 400 octal. paddi=" $i" echo -n "${paddi: $BIGSPACE} " # Column spacing. paddo="00$o" # echo -ne "\\${paddo: $LITTLESPACE}" # Original. echo -ne "\\0${paddo: $LITTLESPACE}" # Fixup. # ^ echo -n " " if (( i % $COLUMNS == 0)); then # New line. echo fi ((i++, o++)) # The octal notation for 8 is 10, and 64 decimal is 100 octal. (( i % $OCT == 0)) && ((o+=2)) (( i % $OCTSQU == 0)) && ((o+=20)) done exit $? # Compare this script with the "pr-asc.sh" example. # This one handles "unprintable" characters. # Exercise: # Rewrite this script to use decimal numbers, rather than octal.